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Regardless of whether you’re a man or a woman, dealing with hair loss is not easy. This process can be extremely upsetting, and it can have a huge impact on your self confidence. As a result, you might find that it stops you from doing the things that you used to enjoy, such as socialising with friends and going on dates.

However, there’s no reason why you should let your hair loss hold you back. To find out how you can regain your inner confidence to carry on living your life, keep reading.

You don’t necessarily have to put up with it

It can be easy to let your hair loss get the better of you, but it’s important to note that you don’t necessarily have to put up with it. The good news is, there are now treatments available that can help to tackle the problem head on.

There are different treatment options available for men and women. For example, guys with male-pattern baldness can use finasteride. This comes in tablet form and works by blocking the enzyme that is responsible for hair loss. Finasteride can be successful in preventing and even reversing the hair loss process. This treatment is available on prescription from your doctor, and it can also be purchased online through reputable sites such as LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor.

For women who are suffering with female-pattern baldness, minoxidil is available. This treatment is a lotion that is applied to directly to the scalp every day. It’s thought that minoxidil works to encourage hair regrowth, and it is available in different strengths. It can also be used to treat male-pattern baldness.

Taking the time to understand your treatment options could help you overcome your hair loss woes. To find out more about finasteride or minoxidil, you can speak to your doctor.

You’re not the only one

If you suffer from hair loss, it might sometimes seem like you’re the only one going through this difficult change, leaving you feeling isolated. However, it’s important to remember that you’re not alone. There are millions of men, women and children all over the world who are affected by hair loss.

If you’re feeling emotional about your situation, you might find it useful to talk to people who are going through the same process. For example, you could join an online support group or forum. Speaking out about how you feel could help you come to terms with your changing appearance, making you much happier.

Accepting your hair loss may not happen overnight, but taking this advice into consideration could be the first step.

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