
Today’s gift of the day is the ultimate present for the popcorn lover

The hot, sweet and salty (or maybe even buttery) cinema snack is on the rise. Why else would we be greeted with bags of popcorn when we leave shows at Somerset House during London Fashion Week?

Well, you don’t need to wait for LFW or your next cinema trip to get your fix of the scrumptiously delicious snack – all you’ll need to do is head to your kitchen and make your very own thanks to the Retro Series popcorn maker from Nostalgia Electrics.

The Retro Series popcorn maker will fit nicely on your tabletop so it won’t even take up much room in your kitchen. It will be the hit of any party!

The popping system uses hot air instead of oil, which means you’ll be getting a lighter and healthier snack than the calorie-tastic ones you might be met with at your local cinema.

The Retro Series hot air popcorn maker can make up to 12 cups of popcorn per batch, and it even comes with a cap that helps you make just the right amount. But let’s face it, one can never have too much popcorn, right?

Retro Series popcorn maker, £64.95

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