MFL is very pleased to post it’s first interview with fashion designer Raquel Simana….

Raquel Simana knew she wanted to be fashion designer when she was just 12 years of age. After completing High School she made the decision to pursue it as her career and went on to study at “Escuela de Bellas Artes Ganexa”. During Raquel’s last year at the academy she displayed her work at an exhibition attended by established designers. It was there that Federico Visuetti caught sight of her work and soon after contacted her with nothing but praise and an invitation to participate in a fashion show for charity. Since then she has worked steadily on her collection. With the company of people who believed in her Raquel was provided with an opportunity to follow her dream. In her own words “I definitely took the opportunity and kept going”.

MFL: Who would you love to dress?

RS: First and foremost, Gloria Estefan, who is such an inspiration to me as a person, that I would be honored to get to dress her someday. Besides her, there are fantastic public figures such as Charlize Theron, Celine Dion, oh well, so many others……I just wanna dress them all!

MFL: Who is your inspiration and why?

RS: My muse changes constantly, sometimes I’ll get inspired by the client I’m working for at the time, sometimes on the fabrics, sometimes its just something that’s on the back of my mind, like an artwork, a painting, a silhouette, or just about anything….the inspiration comes when you least expect it.

MFL: If you had to wear only one designer who would you choose?

RS: I wouldn’t be able to choose; the beauty of Fashion lies on its diversity. I love different aspects of many designers, like the innovative Cavalli cuts Dolce and Gabbana’s amazing use of color, Versace’s passion and extravagance, Armani’s simplicity, McQueen’s and Galliano’s astonishing craftsmanship, and so many others, I couldn’t possibly decide.

MFL: Did you ever feel like giving up on your dream?

RS: The road has been really difficult at times. When the second year of college was just about to start, I took a very hard decision not to go back, because I didn’t feel the school was fulfilling my needs, that there was so much more to be learned, and it just wasn’t enough, but my family then convinced me and I got in again, and made it through the end finally, but it was a rough time for me, knowing there was so much more out there and not being able to reach it, but of course, step by step I’ll get where I wanna be. I’m a very, very persevering person, and I think that’s why no matter how tough it gets I manage to somehow keep on going and never give up on my dream.

MFL: What’s the best piece of advice you have been given?

RS: There are a couple of phrases my Dad used to say to me that I had never forgotten: “Don’t cross the bridge until you get to it”, and “Take care of the pennies, the dollars take care of themselves”.

Raquel lives and works in Panama, and her clothes are only sold there for now.. For any further details please contact Raquel at

This content was first published on MyFashionLife and should not be copied or reproduced.
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