I’ve received quite a few emails over the years and more so quite recently asking,..How did you start out? What advice can you give me? and Would love to know what you look like! So I’ve attached my picture and decided to dedicate a post to explaining where it all began. Hmm….where do I start?

The simple version is in 2003 a friend of mine introduced me to the concept of blogging. Straight away I said, “I want to blog about fashion, can I?” (At the time blogs were all about being personal so I wasn’t too sure) He said “of course!” and My Fashion Life was born.

The name didn’t come straight away. I used to LOVE My So-called Life (you know….with Claire Danes and Jared Leto , when he used to be a cutie) and I decided to work with that. So the site was called My Fashion-able Life and six months later I took the advice of a friend and cut out the ‘able’.

Fours year on and I’m still blogging. I love it just as much as when I first started. Probably even more so now. There are more bloggers in the sphere to interact with and so many resources such as videos etc to compliment posts. When I first started, the fashion industry hadn’t realised the beauty of the internet. It was harder.

The deeper version is that its bloody hard work. Well it is for me. It was very hard at the outset because I wasn’t a writer. I worked in accounts and simply had a love for fashion (I actually wanted to be a fashion designer) I lacked confidence (still do sometimes) and knowledge. But I had a passion (to everyone who has asked what makes a good blogger? My answer is passion) I still have a passion. I have a passion for new designers, established designers, trends…..you name it. Therefore blogging has never been a chore. Actually that’s a lie. It can be a chore when I’m lacking ideas for content, but then I read something inspiring and I’m raring to go. In fact blogging has been a learning process….I’m still learning how to write.

The good news is that I’ve now carved out a career for myself. I’ve ditched accounting and I’m now doing something that I love. I pinch myself when I’m bored and think, “wow”.

It’s very humbling to know that people appreciate your work and it can also be scary when thinking about those that criticise.

Regardless I love blogging. It’s flexible. Blogging is what you make it. I believe there are no boundaries. You can dictate your content and your writing style.

Hope this has helped! Drop me a line if you have any questions. It might take me a while to reply. But I will get to it. Promise.

This content was first published on MyFashionLife and should not be copied or reproduced.
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