
A women’s wardrobe is unflinchingly temperamental. The emergency outfit bought for that perfect evening out last September, which at the time promised to be the future epicenter of what you wore henceforth, is now a disastrous mistake and an affront to the latest purchase.

This is why clothing that whispers rather than shouts is always a good idea. Tofu is a creatively simplistic label. It makes the understated statement of clever design, where from a distance it gives the illusion of a perfectly good staple piece it is only on closer inspection that Tofu creations come into their own.

Quirky without being too achingly Hoxton trendy (you can almost see some of them wincing when they catch their own reflection), Tofu’s winter items leaned toward exquisitely tailored goth. The latest designs feel far fresher with a jaunty charm, an indication perhaps of the designers having just as much fun making them as we will have wearing them.

But of course, there’s one little problem. The floaty fun of Tofu means you really need to choose your purchase with discretion if you’re big up top. Which, I’m guessing, means most of us. Maybe avoid the smock dresses , In Gap I once decided that I’d quite like to be the sort of girl that wears cute little smock dresses to the office, so I bought one. Ha. I looked like an aggressive eight year old with balloons shoved up her vest.

Saying that Tofu isn’t as bad as some Japanese led designer boutiques where you can forget it if you’re over size eight. The price range is not intimidating. Obviously it’s a far cry from H&M but it won’t make your purse squeal in indignation , maybe just sob quietly for a few minutes instead.

This content was first published on MyFashionLife and should not be copied or reproduced.
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