Between the lace, the cocoons and those sheepskins you might think you’ve exhausted all the trends, but never fear there’s another trend for you to dabble in! I am of course talking about tartan, how could you miss it?! It’s everywhere, the magazines filled with tartan-clad models. Those D&G campaign images are drool-worthy!

But the print which once represented anarchy and rebellion during the 70s is today all about heritage and dressing for a delightful stroll in the country. As a die hard Vivienne Westwood fan, I find this transition from rebel to tight lipped gentlewoman rather confusing but I must say, I am rather drawn in by the tweeness of it all.

Either way, this is a wearable trend, but rules still apply. The tricky thing about tartan is that there are so many colours that you feel you really ought to pick one out, but don’t even think it! You’ll only end up looking like a Bay City Roller enthusiast. Pick plain, complimentary, dare I say dull colours?! Think blacks, muted browns and greys and for colour rusts, plums and mustards.

For a dabble in the trend try a tartan blouse, Topshop have a great pink tartan taffeta top that will look stunning with a pair of black skinny jeans. If you want a catwalk inspired look then New Look have a great tartan ruffled blouse, very D&G.

Tartan trousers are for the more daring but with a stylish blouse or polo neck they’ll look very chic, the same rules apply for kilts just don’t forget your opaque tights. My favourite tartan piece so far, has to be the pussy bow grey tartan dress from Oasis. It ticks every box. It’s smart, yet sexy; with killer stilettos it’s a little bit punk but still perfect for afternoon tea with the Queen. Cucumber sandwich anyone?

This content was first published on MyFashionLife and should not be copied or reproduced.
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