Get ready for the newest ring leaders in British fashion!

As Spring/Summer London Fashion Week approaches, with it comes ten young budding fashionistas waiting to rock the fashion boat with their own debut collection.

Ten students of chic have been successful in a gruelling and competitive application process from BBC’s Blast to become part of a once in a lifetime opportunity for up and coming young teen fashion talent to showcase their style at London Fashion Week. To see how they were formed, watch their blast episode below from Your Label BBC (above).

Working with On|Off, London Fashion Week’s independent showcase since 2003, the chosen ones, aged between 15-22, will be working within a business model of their own fashioning, adopting the real-life roles of a working fashion house. Eventually they will have designed, created, marketed and exhibited their own clothing label at Fashion Week Autumn 09.

[from left – Rachel Grier (stylist), Dizar Angel (designer), Karen Turley (production director) and Ann-Marie bentley (managing director)]

The lucky youngsters have been visited by prominent fashion gurus including shoe designer Danny Sullivan and the whole project will be overseen by the BBC’s fashion consultant, Olaf Parker.

“I’m really excited about the team we’ve chosen this year, there are some amazing talents considering their young ages. I just hope they can hold everything together and produce a great catwalk show.

Their carefully chosen team name, 1.WO/MAN (one woman, one man) exuberates their central message, the duality of womenswear and menswear, vintage and high street, bringing together bold and interesting possibilities for their designs for both sexes.


[from left Lydia Mok (sales director), Karen Turley (production director), Ann-Marie Bentley (managing director)]

According to the team’s PR Director, Aindrea Emelife, the years spent between 16-25 are a focal point for experimentation and discovering a style true to yourself.

‘Mixing masculine ease with feminine allure, the collection will be a release of fun and excitement, said the 15 year old. “There will be no mistaking a 1.WO/MAN girl or guy, as every look with be true to what the youthful generation are yearning for.

Not content with the pressure of producing an exclusive catwalk show, the aspiring youngsters will also be putting together a t-shirt collection commissioned by the BBC. Based in their trendy studio in Brick Lane, the team’s next step is to head to 1234 Shoreditch festival to promote their collection designs and raise some money for Children in Need in the process.

At MyFashionLife, we’ll be running a series of features covering the breakthrough project and their designs as they unfold, until the final reveal of the their line culminates in the outlandish catwalk show at London Fashion Week, Somerset House.

Keep your eyes peeled for more features on the breakthrough of new talent and the edgy designs from the newest bright young things in fashion….

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