Batch cooking is a godsend for busy weeknights. Take some time on the weekend to do some meal prep, and you’ll have dinner (or lunch!) ready to go for the rest of the week.

And batch cooking doesn’t have to mean eating the same thing every day; mix things up by preparing a few different dishes and freezing them in individual portions. That way, you can thaw and reheat whatever sounds good at the moment.

Here are ten of our favorite batch-cook-and-freeze meals, perfect for those nights when you just can’t even think about cooking.

Spaghetti and meatballs

This classic dish is always a hit, and it’s easy to make a big batch that will last for several meals. Just freeze the meatballs and sauce separately, then thaw and reheat whenever you’re in the mood.


A big pot of chili is another great option for batch cooking, especially if you make it in the slow cooker. It’s easy to portion out into individual containers and freeze for later. Just add some shredded cheese and sour cream when you reheat.

Shepherd’s pie

This hearty comfort food is perfect for winter evenings. Make a double batch and freeze half for another night. Defrost in the fridge overnight, then reheat in a 350-degree oven until hot and bubbly.


Freezing enchiladas is a great way to have an easy Mexican-inspired meal on hand at all times. Assemble as directed, but don’t bake them before freezing. When you’re ready to eat, thaw overnight in the fridge, then bake at 350 degrees until hot and the cheese has melted.

Photo by Ella Olsson


Any type of soup freezes well, so make a big pot on the weekend and ladle into individual containers for quick weekday lunches or dinners. Thaw in the fridge overnight or heat directly from frozen in the microwave.


This traditional Italian dish is ideal for freezing. Make the lasagna as normal, but don’t bake before freezing; when you’re ready to eat, thaw overnight in the fridge then bake at 350 degrees until hot and bubbly.


Stir fries are so simple to make and they freeze well too. Cook your fave recipe and then let it cool completely before freezing in individual servings so you can grab what you need when you’re ready to eat. Reheat in the microwave or on the stovetop until hot.

Macaroni and cheese

This classic comfort food is always welcome on a cold night. Make a big batch so you have leftovers to freeze. Portion into single servings before chilling completely so it will reheat evenly. Reheat in the microwave or oven until hot. If using the oven, sprinkle with some additional grated cheese before baking. Resist the urge to overcook or you’ll end up with dry, rubbery macaroni.

Cauliflower curry

This vegetable-packed curry is healthy and flavourful, perfect for Meatless Monday or any other night of the week when you’re looking for an easy vegetarian meal. Make a double batch so you have leftovers to freeze; defrost in the fridge overnight then heat on the stove until warmed through. Serve over steamed rice.

Beef Stew

Make a big batch of this hearty dish and freeze in individual containers so you can reheat what you need. Defrost in the fridge overnight then heat on the stove until warmed through. Serve with some fresh bread for dipping into that delicious stew!

Chicken Pot Pie

Just like lasagna, you don’t need to bake your chicken pot pie before freezing. Instead make it as you usually would and rather than pop it in the oven, put it in the freezer. Thaw overnight in the fridge in time for dinner the next day. Bake on the day you’re having it for dinner, until it’s hot and bubbly. Serve with a green salad for a complete meal.

Photo by Angèle Kamp


Quiche is a versatile dish that can be made ahead of time and frozen, then just reheated when you’re ready to eat. To defrost quiches overnight: place in the fridge until solidifying (about 4 hours), remove it when it’s completely thawed out and bake until it’s completely hot through.

To Conclude

These are just ten of our favorite recipes that are perfect for batch cooking & freezing! We hope these give you some inspiration for your next meal prep session; let us know which ones are your favorites or if you have any other suggestions!

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