I’m not a fan of Rick Ross. As a matter of fact, I’ve never had a single Rick Ross tune on heavy rotation so I post this “Magnificent” video not to venerate his musical talents, but to give him due props on what seems to be his renewed sense of style (fingers crossed). No pun intended, but Rick Ross literally looked suavein a polished two?button white suit topped off with a touch of black piping. The matching polka dot ascot and pocket square was equally pleasing and left me wondering who styled his counterpart, R&B crooner, John Legend? Honestly, what was up with that third leg of a tie?! Take heed people, ties are not to hang past your belt so please don’t try this at home.

On a final note, it’s important to recognize that as hefty as Rick Ross is, he still managed to hold his own against the more shapely John Legend. Moreover, there is the odd chance that Ross actually upstaged the singer’s wardrobe thus Ross’ styling debunks the notion that burly lads can’t look the part. So to close, I’ll say this: if shedding pounds is not in your foreseeable future, then investing in a tailor is the next best way to looking, acting and feeling magnificent!

This content was first published on MyFashionLife and should not be copied or reproduced.
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