Oh, Kate. Just after I finish gushing about how cool you are, how gorgeous, how unique, how you have impeccable taste in fashion, you have to go and do something like this.

Why, oh why did you find it necessary to wear arm warmers?

The dress by itself isn’t too bad, not necessarily my first choice but with her sartorial je ne sai quois Kate could surely pull it off. The shoes are fab, her makeup is fab and totally understated (which is perfect, she really doesn’t need any makeup) and her sleek hair is the perfect counterpart to the fussy ruffles of the dress. But … arm warmers??? Seriously!

If she was cold, she could have jumped on the shrunken motorcycle jacket bandwagon. With the funky twists and interpretations she generally has of mainstream fashion, she could have worn it in purple, or navy, or forest green … or ANYTHING but arm warmers …

This content was first published on MyFashionLife and should not be copied or reproduced.
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