So who is your fashion icon? Perhaps Victoria Beckham, or Kate Moss or maybe even Lady GaGa. If you were a guy, or perhaps you are, who is your male fashion icon? Would it ever be Liam Gallagher?

Well whatever your style, be prepared for Pretty Green. That’s the name of the latest fashion line from the not so fashion designer Liam Gallagher. The Oasis star is launching a label that will include denim, footwear, casual coats and accessories.

Talking about the collection Gallagher said:

“Clothes and music are my passion. I’m not here to rip anyone off and I’m not doing it for the money either. I’m doing it cuz there’s a lack of stuff out there of the things I would wear.

You can sign up now at Pretty Green in order to receive info on the brand. The clothes will be sold online and in selected stores. There’s no sign of a preview, but you never know he creates great music so why not clothes? This will be very interesting indeed.

This content was first published on MyFashionLife and should not be copied or reproduced.
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