I don’t know what’s been happening to Rihanna recently but she has turned into a car crash of a fashionista. It’s so horrifyingly horrific but you can’t help but stare.

I thought her little Met Ball outing was bad, but honestly there are no good things to say about this outfit, it is so horrific, so bad, so wrong that it goes beyond bad taste.

I am greatly saddened by such a crime against fashion as I adore Rihanna, her look, her sound, she is a great pop starlet. But honestly, when has cut off denim shorts with a leather bomber, PVC stockings and wedge heels sounded like a good idea? The look was finished off with a pair of understated Karl Lagerfeld sunglasses and a dodgy ear chain thing.

This is a shocking look and I am mortified to report on it. Is she making a statement? Is she having a phase?

Who knows?! What do you make of Rihanna’s style malfunction? Or do you praise her for having an individual look?


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