Following in the footsteps of Penelope Cruz, Milla Jovovich and Alice Dellal, Daisy Lowe is set to become one of the new faces of Spanish high street retailer Mango. It seems you can’t keep Daisy away from high profile advertising campaigns at the moment and for Mango she will join Leigh Lezark, Riley Keough (Elvis Presley’s granddaughter), Clara Lago and Marie-Ange Casta.

The campaign is reportedly being shot this week in Barcelona, and we can’t wait to see the pics. It’s a great move for Mango and is sure to push sales, plus they have always been creative with their campaigns so this should be brilliant. As for Daisy she is doing amazingly well for herself, and is one of the few celeb sprogs to actually make it on her own.

How do you feel about Daisy Lowe becoming a top model? Do you like her look?


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