We couldn’t believe our eyes this morning when we saw a picture of Emma Watson‘s all-new super-short crop – those long wavy locks have gone, and they won’t be coming back for a while if her 60’s pixie style has anything to do with it.

We suppose we should mention here that we absolutely love it. We can’t believe just how much her new Mia Farrow-inspired crop accentuates her natural beauty – those eyes! They were never that big before…

To thank for her dramtic new ‘do is the Cutler Salon in New York – the place to get your hair cut stateside, FYI – where one super-talented stylist took on the challenge of snipping Emma’s hair to within an inch of its life. Luckily, Ms. Watson loves it as much as we do.

“Cut my hair off a few days ago… Feels incredible. I love it,” she said on Facebook yesterday after uploading a picture of her new style. “I’ve wanted to do this for years and years; it’s the most liberating thing ever. Hope you like.”

Oh we do, Emma, we do. And just as Victoria Beckham coined the ‘Pob’, we have a feeling (very brave) girls will be rushing to get the Watson crop.


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