This content was first published on MyFashionLife and should not be copied or reproduced.

In the world of men’s fashion, trends are often fleeting and popular styles often become stale in a matter of months.

Given this kind of fashion climate, it may be harder than it used to be to shop for clothes that are classic and evergreen.

What should you do if you want to separate the trendy from the timeless? How can you find clothing items that will work as permanent staples of your wardrobe and not just fair-weather additions that you’ll quickly replace? 

The answer is to treat your clothing purchases like significant investments and to pay extra attention to what you buy. The next time you go shopping for clothes, make sure that they fit the following conditions. This will ensure that you get maximum value for money on what you spend, given that you’ll wear the clothes for longer than a couple of seasons.

Buy from Brands That Have Timeless Quality and Appeal

The brand isn’t the only thing that you should consider when buying clothing, but it does count for something. Some brands are synonymous with certain items of clothing because of their longstanding reputation for quality and timelessness. These brands, as well as their subsidiaries, may be worth exploring.

One good example is Burlix Socks for men. The company is an offshoot of longtime garment manufacturer Burlington, which for decades has been the consumer’s choice for dress socks and casual socks. You can expect the same durability and attention to detail if you’re buying items from Burlington’s performance sock brand.

Determine the Constants in Your Personal Aesthetic

It’s also a good idea to examine your current wardrobe and identify your constants. This is because you’ll want to buy clothing that you’ll be motivated to wear as often as you do your favorite shirts, jackets, pants, and shoes. When it comes to deciding what you want more of, think about the colors, cuts, or materials that have long been the MVPs of your wardrobe.

That said, think twice about buying clothes that don’t seem to fit your overall personal aesthetic just because they’re in fashion right now. If you’ve never liked loud colors or overly bold prints, your long-term opinion on them may not change in the next few years.

The bottom line is this: you know your personal style better than anyone else does. If you buy clothes that stay true to your preferences, you won’t have a hard time putting them to good use.  

Make Comfort and Durability Your Top Priorities

You may already know this, but it’s always worth repeating when looking for permanent additions to your wardrobe: don’t buy a clothing item for its looks alone. Instead, look for proof of quality construction as well as comfort. 

It may be easy to determine how well-crafted an item is if you can see it up close. But if you’re shopping for clothes online, look for customer reviews or testimonials that will give you a better idea of what the actual product is like.     

Choose Versatile Items That Go with Multiple Outfits

What exactly constitutes a lifetime purchase? For many, the definition includes an item that they wouldn’t mind using for the rest of their lives. As far as clothes are concerned, part of that lifetime appeal lies in how versatile they are. That’s why certain items—like loafers and tailored suit jackets in dark colors—have been mainstays of men’s fashion for decades.

That said, buy clothing items that can act as the foundation for multiple outfits. Choose tops, bottoms, and accessories that are easy to mix and match. Find items that can be dressed up or dressed down according to the occasion. It doesn’t have to be an issue of buying a lot of clothing. In fact, you can engineer a lot of outfits on just a few key pieces. Identify which of these are worth the investment, and consider buying these over novelty clothing items.

Buy Items You Don’t Mind Repairing

Too few shoppers consider repairs when they’re buying clothes. Some buy items with the assumption that they shouldn’t need to be repaired at all. But even high-quality clothes are subject to wear and tear, and they shouldn’t be treated as indestructible items. It’s better to buy clothes that can actually withstand repair work, and to be diligent about clothing repair when it needs to be done. 

Don’t be intimidated about buying clothing items that demand maintenance, like dress shirts and leather shoes. Instead, find quality items and commission the services of a tailor or seamster whenever your clothes are due for repair. Clothes that accommodate repair work and still look good after repairs are done are definitely worth keeping in the long run.

One last thing that you should remember to do is to take your time when buying permanent additions to your wardrobe. Use this time to list down your choices and to ask for referrals. Above all, try to come up with a mental picture of how you’ll look in those clothes—and whether you’ll want to look and feel that way for the succeeding years of your life.

If the answer to the latter question is yes, then your clothes are likely worth your money. Add them to your wardrobe and keep them in the best condition for as long as you possibly can!

This content was first published on MyFashionLife and should not be copied or reproduced.
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