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For centuries, mined diamonds have been the gold standard in the jewelry world – literally and figuratively. These precious stones, forged over millions of years under extreme pressures deep within the Earth, have come to symbolize love, luxury and timeless beauty. 

But now, a new generation of diamonds is challenging the old guard and shaking up the industry in a big way: lab grown diamonds!

An Ethical Alternative to Conflict Gems

These dazzling gems, cultivated in high-tech labs using innovative processes like high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD), are changing the traditional diamond business. The conflict diamond trade, where natural gems have historically been used to fund devastating civil wars and human rights abuses, has long cast a dark shadow over the mined diamond industry.

Lab grown gems are completely free from any connection to the blood diamond trade. These man-made stones are ushering in a new era of transparency, accessibility and ethical luxury, with younger consumers like Millennials and Gen Z eagerly embracing the change.

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Conflict-Free Sparkle

No one wants their engagement ring, diamond bracelet or other fine jewelry to be tainted by war crimes and human suffering. But that’s the ugly reality for many traditionally mined diamonds. Precious gems extracted from the Earth have often been used to illegally finance armed conflicts, fueling a vicious cycle of violence.

Lab grown diamonds are an ethical alternative to mined gems. Cultivated in state-of-the-art facilities rather than extracted from the ground, these gems have a completely clean supply chain. There’s no connection to unethical practices–just sparkling stones that are 100% conflict-free.

This development gives consumers peace of mind. When you buy a lab created diamond ring or lab grown diamond bracelet, you can be confident that your purchase isn’t contributing to human suffering. Instead, you’re supporting an innovative, transparent industry that’s moving diamond jewelry in a more ethical direction.

More Accessible Luxury

But the benefits of diamonds grown in a lab go far beyond their conflict-free status. These man-made gemstones are also making luxury more accessible than ever before.

Mined diamonds are typically only accessible to more affluent consumers, with sky-high price tags that put them out of reach for many. But thanks to the streamlined production process for lab created diamonds vs the real ones, these stunning gems can now be enjoyed by a much wider audience. HPHT and CVD diamonds can be produced in as little as four weeks (compared with billions of years for natural stones). Because of the faster production process, lab grown diamond rings often cost 40-50% less than their natural counterparts.

This increase in accessibility and affordability is especially appealing to younger buyers. Millennials and Gen Z-ers, aware of the ethical concerns, are flocking to lab grown diamond jewelry in droves, with around 70% of millennials considering buying lab grown diamond jewelry. 

Image: Deposit Photos

Endless Possibilities

These alternatives to mined diamonds are transforming the consumer jewelry market and driving innovation in the industry. Freed from the constraints of natural diamond mining, jewelers are exploring bold new frontiers.

For example, lab grown diamond engagement rings allow couples to personalize every detail, from the cut and clarity to the setting and band. Additionally, a lab grown diamond bracelet studded with several smaller diamonds offers a fresh take on a classic accessory.

The technology used to create man-made gemstones allows manufacturers to control the environment to produce gemstones of a specific color, clarity and carat weight. This enables jewelry designers to offer custom jewelry services and create one-of-a-kind pieces that perfectly reflect your style. 

Advancing Technology and Innovation

The technology behind these stones is advancing rapidly, too. Using HPHT and CVD methods on small diamond seeds, scientists can now grow diamonds that are chemically, physically and optically identical to natural ones – often even surpassing them in quality. It’s difficult for the naked eye to distinguish between CVD and HPHT diamonds and mined diamonds. 

Only a professional gemologist with specialized equipment can tell the difference between the two types of diamonds. This is because the HPTP and CVD processes cause different types of inclusions and blemishes in the stone compared to natural gems. 

This technological leap opens up new opportunities for creativity and customization. Consumers can now access diamonds as dazzling as their natural equivalents without ethical baggage or sky-high prices. Lab created diamonds are making luxury more accessible and giving jewelry lovers the freedom to express their style.

A Sparkling New Future

Lab created diamonds are shaking up the jewelry industry and the diamond trade in a positive way. So the next time you are in the market for a lab grown diamond tennis bracelet, an engagement ring or just a stunning piece of everyday jewelry, choose lab grown diamonds as an ethical alternative you can feel good about. With their rapidly advancing technology and ethical supply chain, it’s easy to see why these stones capture the hearts and minds of consumers and jewelers alike.

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