It’s Christmas morning here in the UK and I’m SO excited. Every year I pack up and head down to Colchester (about an hour outside of London) to spend time with my family. We take the festivities very seriously. The day starts off with a massive breakfast in the morning followed by the chaotic opening of presents and then we do Christmas dinner with all the trimmings, topped off with pudding…..mmmm!

I’m still trying to deal with the fact that the year is coming to an end already. Time flies when you’re having fun right? 2008 has been a year of growth and development. My Fashion Life now has a fabulous set of contributing writers on board who have made my life a lot easier and the site has undergone a fabulous makeover…thank you all so much for the emails congratulating the new design!

The reasons behind the change were firstly because the site was in desperate need of a new look with a clean feel and secondly we had many requests for an easier navigation system. I think we’ve met both goals and I’m really pleased with it.

Finally, I can now officially confirm that My Fashion Life has expanded. We have launched a sister site focused on beauty – My Gorgeous Life (tell all your beauty junkie friends!) and a brother site catering to our male readership – MFL for him (tell all your style savvy male friends!).

Both sites have been in a start up phase but we now have a growing readership and I have a lot of great content planned for both sites in 2009 so stay tuned!

Before I sign off, I want to take the time out to thank you all for your constant support and loyalty. I love our fabulous growing community! I’d also like to wish you and your family a Merry Xmas and VERY Happy New Year. May all your goals be realised in 2009!

And so….we’re now officially on holiday! Woo-hoo! I’ll be checking in through the holiday period with some posts that I’m currently working on. Regular posting will resume on all our sites on Monday, January 6th. Roll on 2009!

This content was first published on MyFashionLife and should not be copied or reproduced.
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