If you’re a fan of the brand Nailberry then you have one lady to thank for its collection of  lush cruelty-free nail polishes – french born entrepreneur Sonia Hully. Originally starting out in a career in finance, Sonia launched Nailberry in 2013 out of a desire to create varnishes without the nasty chemicals that leave nails weak and dry. Stocked in stores including Anthropologie, Harvey Nichols and Selfridges, Nailberry is adored by beauty addicts everywhere whom especially love its L’Oxygéné range of breathable polishes. Here, Sonia gives us a little insight to her day to day life as well as offering up her must-have beauty product and her top tip for maintaining a healthy work/life balance.

What’s a typical working day like for you?

There isn’t one as I am traveling so much but I always check my emails in the morning before I start the day. I also always try to include some exercise at some point.

Most enjoyable and challenging aspect of your job?

I love the fact that not everyday is the same and it’s really rewarding to see your work and brand develop day after day after all these years. We are also developing internationally quite fast and which is very exciting and satisfying!

Nailberry are leaders in developing nail formulas and new products and it becomes challenging when well-known brands bring out products with similar formulas. However this is flattering as I guess it shows we are on the right track!

Top tip for maintaining a work/life balance?

Keeping your friends and family close is very important for maintaining a work/life balance. Also fitness and nature is essential to keep you grounded. I believe if you feel happy and good within yourself you will be better at what you do, including business.

Your three favourite Nailberry colours?

Glamazon, Noirberry and Au Naturel which just won the Stylist Best Beauty Award for best nude polish.

Can’t live without beauty product?

I don’t wear that much makeup but I do love a good volume mascara like the Diorshow good volume mascara like the Diorshow.

If you could live in any other decade or century, which would it be and why?

I like the 20s and the 50s as they are both post wars period involving reconstruction where women were becoming more independent – I also love the fashion of both eras.

You’re stuck in a lift for 5 hours. Who would you love to spend your time with?

Wow that’s a hard one. David Attenborough for his life experience or Barack Obama. I would have so many questions, the time would fly! I would also be very happy to be stuck with Ryan Gosling!

Favourite holiday destination and why?

Another hard one. I just cannot give you just one favourite! I love Italy, California, Africa and many islands – I just have something about islands!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given?

Have the courage to live a life true to yourself, not the life others expect of you. And that’s not always so easy…


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