
With Zumba falling from the top spot as one of our 2015 favourite workouts, we’ve decided to take a look at some of the biggest fitness trends of 2016, so you can get ahead of the game.

1. Fitness technology

With over three million wearable devices like Apple Watches and FitBits sold in the UK in 2015, up 118% on 2014, it’s clear that the fitness technology trend set to continue. 2016 promises even greater growth, with more and more of us investing in technology to track our fitness progress.

As well as devices, mobile phone apps are a great way of tracking progress and setting small, manageable goals. Fitness tracking website MyFitnessPal was recently sold for a whopping $475 million, proving just how lucrative the market is.

2. Social Media

Social media is becoming an increasingly important part of many people’s fitness plans. By following the right inspirational Instagram accounts and keeping up with all of the latest trends and information on Twitter, you can use social media as a fitness aid, and maybe even post a workout selfie to inspire your friends to hit the gym!

3. Boot Camp retreats

As health and fitness becomes an increasingly important part of everyday lives, boot camps are on the rise. Boot camps are great for all ages and abilities and sometimes even act as a getaway break, giving you a chance to boost your health and fitness while relaxing away from home.

Prestige Bootcamps offer holiday-like experiences in luxurious locations such as Portugal, Wales, and Devon, and even run retreats in multi-million-pound Spanish villas.

4. Holistic Approaches

Holistic health is becoming a key 2016 trend, with more people focusing on health eating and connecting to their bodies on a closer level than before. It’s little surprise that money spent on spa and health treatments is up 41%. By spending more time on your body, standing up instead of sitting for extended periods, and focusing on reducing stress and relaxing, a holistic approach is a great way to improve your life’s balance.

5. High-Intensity Interval Training

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is making a rise in 2016. This activity usually involves taking part in short bursts of intense exercise followed by short recovery or rest periods and is great for building fitness and losing weight quickly.

6. Power Yoga

Forget the laid-back, meditative yoga you know and love. This year, Power Yoga is on the rise, and it focuses on building internal heat and increasing your stamina, flexibility, and strength. A form of vinyasa yoga, this technique is becoming increasingly popular across the UK as fitness lovers want to try a new form of exercise, which has stress-reducing and overall fitness benefits.

7. Obstacle races and mud runs

A huge rise in viral challenges and events saw 4.9 million people taking part obstacle races in 2015. Events like the Mestival Mud Run and Tough Mudder are usually for charity but require an extreme level of fitness and training to complete successfully, so if you want to take part, you’d better be prepared!

If you’re really interested in fitness, check out they have some of the most qualified personal trainers to help you get the body of your dreams.

This content was first published on MyFashionLife and should not be copied or reproduced.
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  1. Crossfit is also booming around the world. Not sure if it will surpass Zumba, but the number of enrollments has been growing a lot.

  2. Hey Andre,

    I think Zumba is the biggest exercise for this moment. Every woman in my neighborhood is looking for a Zumba’s teacher.

    Including my wife! ha

    But I think Crossfit is a good option too! But it ends up requiring more physical effort (in my opinion, I don’t know exactly).

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