If, like us, you over-indulged somewhat at the weekend, this news couldn’t have come at a better time. Victoria Beckham has revealed her new fitness regime – and it involves yoga and astrology. Stay with us…

After admitting she hates going to the gym (we hear ya, sista), Victoria’s become the latest star to try her hand at yogalosophy – a favourite fitness fad of Jennifer Aniston‘s – and apparently she’s already hooked.

“She bought the Yogalosophy DVD and does her workout at home up to four times a week to ‘align her mind and spirit’,” a source close to the designer told the Daily Mail. “She’s really starting to notice the difference.”

Differences such as weight loss and muscle definition, to be precise, which are achieved by doing easy-to-follow but challenging stretch routines.

And for those routines we’ve got Mandy Ingber, a personal trainer to the stars, to thank. “I created the Yogalosophy DVD so that I could incorporate yoga into other exercises programs,” she said, “so, it’s really a hybrid workout – a toning exercise paired with a yoga pose.”

Sounds simple enough to us – now to align our body and spirit.

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